
 AviClear is the first and only FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild, moderate, and severe acne. It is a near infrared laser designed to treat acne at its root - the oil glands. It works by shrinking the oil glands, thereby reducing acne, oiliness and blackheads. In just 3 treatments you can be on your way to clearer skin without the inconvenience of lab draws, time consuming dermatology appointments and unwanted side effects. The device treats all skin types and has the unique Avicool technology for patient comfort.


AviClear™ Pre Care Instructions

  • No tanning within 2 weeks of the first treatment. Avoid tanning during the treatment series to avoid adverse events. Also avoid spray tanning or tanning lotions or creams in the treatment area.

  • Avoid Skin irritants such as products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, Differin or glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.) for 3 days pre and 3-5 days post treatment, depending on how your skin recovers

  • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, depilatories, etc.) No chemical peels within 3 weeks of your treatment.

  • For Male patients:  Please shave closely the morning of your appointment as doing so will make the treatment more comfortable for you.

AviClear™ Contraindications List

  • Pregnancy

  • Being treated for Skin cancer

  • Vitiligo

  • Currently on Accutane or recently finishing Accutane

  • Having another inflammatory skin condition in the treatment area such as eczema or psoriasis.

  • Having an open wound in the treatment area.

  • If you have a history of Shingles or herpes within the treatment area you will need to pre-treat with an antiviral such as Valtrex. Please notify me if that is the case.

AviClear™ Post Care Instructions

  • Cold Compresses or gel packs can be used post treatment at home to help diminish redness and swelling. These are most helpful the night after your treatment.

  • Starting the morning after treatment, wash your face with a gentle, acid free, non-exfoliating cleanser followed with a gentle moisturizer and/or hyaluronic acid serum. During the day finish with a sunscreen of at least 35-50 SPF. If you are going to outside for a prolonged period of time – you must wear a hat and reapply your sunscreen every 90 minutes.

  • Makeup can be worn the day after. Your makeup up must be non-comedogenic. The Clinique Acne Solutions makeup and the Neutrogena Skin Clearing liquid foundation are two of the better makeups for acne prone skin. Some patients also find the Mineral Powder cosmetics helpful.

  • You may resume your regular skin care regimen including retinoids, products containing glycolic, salicylic acids or acne medications 3-5 days post treatment, depending on when YOUR skin feels recovered.

  • Sunscreen must be worn daily throughout your 3-treatment series. Direct, prolonged sun exposure should be avoided in your treatment area through the duration of your series.

  • Avoid heat (hot tubs and saunas, etc.) for 2 days post treatment.

  • Limit any exercise or activity that can cause sweating for 24 hours post treatment.

  • Avoid waxing and depilatories for 2 weeks post treatment

Possible Side Effects of AviClear™

  • Mild redness of the lesions or of the entire treatment area for 1-24 hours

  • Dryness and itchiness of the treatment area for up to 4 weeks post treatment. Use a gentle, acid free moisturizer such as Cerave® or Cetaphil® until the itchiness subsides.

  • It is possible to have an acne flare up to 4 weeks post treatment. Roughly half of patients experience this. Your acne may worsen before it improves and this is normal. It typically happens 7 days post treatment and may last for a few weeks.


    202-450-2230 OR suzy@helioslasercenter.com